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Organic Argan Oil For Face & Hair--It's Even In Shampoo

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Don't Skimp – Organic Argan is the Only Way to Go

Choosing Organic Argan is Best for Your Health, the Environment, and the Global Community

Words like “Organic,” “All Natural,” and “Natural” are printed across products from food to cosmetics and just about everything in between. So much so that it can lead one to wonder if these labels have any meaning at all. And, if they do, what do they mean?

                                                                           Does organic argan oil live up to the hype?

Naysayers claim that organic foods and plant-based products are no different than any others, and are merely a racket to get more money out of consumers. So when we say that organic argan oil is the best option for you and your health, what proof do we have to back it up?

Unlike “natural,” “organic” is a highly regulated word that can't be applied to just any product.* Organic items must meet or exceed standards set forth by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to be considered certified organic. There is certainly a difference, and the difference is enforced.

You may be thinking, “That's all well and good, but is this strictly enforced organic label necessary when I'm buying argan oil? As long as argan oil is unadulterated, does it really make a difference to my health?” In fact, it does. The organic label includes several vital safeguards to your health and the health of your family.

When you purchase organic argan oil, you're buying something:

Without the organic label, your product can contain pesticides, fertilizer, and a number of other potentially hazardous materials. When you buy organic argan oil, you know that you won't be exposing yourself or your family to dangerous insecticides.

Organic foods and oils are made without any additives, meaning there are no hidden allergens. For people with food and cosmetic sensitivities, an organic label is an assurance that a product contains no fillers that might cause them discomfort or harm.

Environmentally Friendly
Buying organic argan also helps preserve the land on which argan trees grow and the surrounding water ways, keeping them free from environmental toxins for future generations. 

Organic argan is planted, grown, and harvested naturally, in the time-honored traditions of South Morocco. By preserving this process, growers are able to produce the same oil that was used generations before. And because the oil (not just the nut) is organic, you know nothing has been added to it to tamper with its natural abilities.

So there is a difference between organic and non-organic items, and the difference is significant. But if you're only using a few drops a day, how can that make a difference in the long run? This question takes us back to an issue raised over 50 years ago. In her groundbreaking book Silent Spring, Rachel Carson argued that there is no “safe level” of many kinds of pesticides and other poisons. Her reasoning for this was that although a single product may meet a safe level guideline for its recommended use, human beings are exposed to hundreds of different products that all contain 'safe levels' of dangerous ingredients. This bombardment of toxins in our daily lives means that we're likely still getting too much of a bad thing, just from multiple sources.

                                                                          No safe level of poison.

Another issue specific to argan oil is the fact that it's designed for use directly on the skin (or to be ingested). The goal of argan for health and beauty is to be absorbed by the skin and hair, so it's essential that no hazardous materials are present in the oil. If our purpose is to provide an alternative way to keep your skin and hair healthy – as opposed to commercial lotions, shampoos, and moisturizers that contain additives, allergens, and potentially damaging ingredients – our only ethical course of action is to ensure that the oil we offer is organic and free from the contaminants found in more traditional products.

As we mentioned above, growing organic argan also helps to protect the environment and natural habitat of the argan tree. This sustainable process helps keep argan oil available throughout the world, not just today but for future generations. It's vital that we protect this amazing natural health resource by using careful farming methods that don't harm the land on which argan trees grow.

Still, even with all of this evidence, there are a few lingering myths about buying organic that need to be broken down.

Myth #1 – Buying organic is elitist.
Because organic items tend to be more expensive, some have claimed that buying organic is nothing more than a status symbol. Just something wealthy Americans do to show off their social status.

As we've shown by the facts above, buying organic is certainly better for your health and the environment. But the idea persists there's something wrong with buying something so expensive when a less expensive (i.e., non-organic) alternative exists.

Firstly, we have to examine the fact that buying organic sends a clear economic message that organic oil is in demand. This demand is met with an increase in production that ultimately makes the product more affordable in the long run.

Secondly, as we've seen, creating a demand for less responsibly grown and harvested argan puts a strain on the natural growing environmentalism. When the farmlands are damaged, crops become scarcer, leading to a price increase on an inferior quality product.

Finally, organic argan oil isn't as expensive as some would make it out to be. Remember that this is an oil only grown in one small portion of the world, and that it only takes a few drops per day to get amazing results. If it's normal to spend anywhere from $30-70 per ounce on a name brand perfume, doesn't it seem reasonable to spend a portion of that on a product that improves both your health and physical appearance?

                                                                              Be good to yourself. Buy organic. 

Myth #2 – The push for organics is based in fear mongering.

Encouraging others to think critically about and examine where their food comes from cannot be considered “fear mongering” by any reasonable person. Nor can the production of organic plant-based products be seen as catering to fear. The truth is, sometimes there are good reasons to be wary of something and to avoid it. And sometimes, even if there's no reason to fear something (in this case, non-organic argan oil), it doesn't mean that the alternative isn't better.

Organic argan oil is simply the safest, healthiest choice to make when it comes to this naturally-derived oil. If you're buying something for the sake of your health, shouldn't you make sure it's healthy?


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