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DIY Argan Oil Lip Exfoliator and Moisturizer

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I don’t think there’s a single woman (or man) I’ve crossed paths with who doesn’t carry in their bag a good Chapstick. Heck, even bad ones, I have to admit in times of desperation I have picked up whatever was near me at the closest gas station. That’s how dry my lips get.

Today I’ll show you a quick and super effective way to exfoliate and moisturize your lips without any harsh chemicals, nothing but wonderful freshly made argan oil and some nature-made ingredients. That’s it.

You already should be using a clean, organic day/night cream, we’re obsessed with Ormana’s day cream which leaves your skin super nourished. Check it out here. 

After your morning routine of cleanser, toner & day cream, you’re ready to give your lips some love. For the exfoliation part here are only 3 ingredients- Argan, Brown sugar and if you want to be sassy, as a little pinch of cinnamon. Put about half a teaspoon of good quality brown sugar in the palm of your hand, add 2 drops of Argan oil and mix with your fingertip until you can make a loose paste. With one finger apply on your lips, tackle small areas, try not to rub it all over the mouth. Rub in circular motions all the way through the edges of your lips. Then you can do a quick rinse with water to get the sugar out, you can leave the oil in. If you’re doing this after you’ve applied makeup, grab a damp hand towel and gently remove the sugar from your lips. Then apply one more drop on your lips. I guarantee you will see healthy, youthful looking lips in a seconds.

By the way, you can also exfoliate your elbows and knees with this mix, it will take away all the yucky old skin that sits there and makes them look dry. Apply it in the exact same manner, massaging in circular motion. You can do this before or after the shower for baby-soft elbows and knees.

Unlike other moisturizers, Argan oil works gradually on the skin, the more you use it the more of an effect you will see, daily. Think of argan oil as an aid both from within your body and from outside. A hybrid between vitamins and a topical elixir that helps you achieve better lips, skin, hair and nails. It also doesn’t hurt that it leaves them looking amazing upon application.

And now, on to the moisturizer. Here’s what you’ll need for this amazing Lip Moisturizer with a hint of color

Argan oil - 2 teaspoons
Coconut Oil - 4 teaspoons
Beeswax- 2 Tablespoons
Shea Butter- 2 Tablespoons
Essential Oil- A few drops if desired (lemon, orange…)
Cinnamon- A pinch if desired
Raspberry reduction as desired for a nice subtle tint

To make the raspberry reduction, boil about 10 raspberries in a small pot with enough water to barely cover them, let them boil until they get soft, remove them and continue boiling until the sauce reduces to a semi-thick liquid (think runny fudge.) Save.

Put a Pyrex inside a pot of boiling water. Combine coconut oil, beeswax and Shea butter inside the Pyrex and move constantly until all ingredients dissolve into a uniform liquid. Remove from heat and keep mixing
Add the raspberry reduction while moving so it doesn’t just sink to the bottom.
Wait until it cools down to a nice comfortable warm thick liquid to add the argan oil and continue mixing. This is important, never heat argan if you are applying it on your skin. Our wonderful ladies in Morocco went thru a lot of work to express it cold and preserve the nutrients.

If you like, add some Cinnamon which gives your pout a natural sexy plump.
Fill up small jars and Voila, you made the most delicious, natural, sexy Chapstick you could ever imagine. Enjoy!


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